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11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services


We are thrilled to announce the collaboration between the Australian Doula College and the Professional Development Centre trading as Australian College of Disability and Community Services (ACDCS) {RTO 41475} to deliver accredited doula training courses in Australia and worldwide. 


Owned and operated by the Centre for Disability Studies (CDS), CDS has for over 24 years provided training to the industry both locally and internationally. We are thrilled to be working alongside an organisation whose values, approach and actions are aligned with ours. 


Together with PDC the ADC will bring nationally accredited doula training programs that set the highest industry standards. Students will be educated and supported by qualified trainers and assessors with a wealth of expertise and experience. Our team creates an enriching, transparent and transformative environment from enrolment to graduation. 


Students can anticipate a curriculum designed to prepare them to have the confidence to deliver supportive and compassionate care that champions a deep understanding of the unique and diverse needs of every individual you will serve during transitional times in their lives. 


The course covers many aspects of pregnancy, the mechanics of labour, feelings, possible fears and challenges, homebirth, hospital policies and procedures, postnatal issues, breastfeeding and postnatal Doula-ing. 


As a Registered Training Organisation, the Professional Development Centre seeks to maintain the highest standards of competency-based training that is effectively targeted at building individual and organisational capability. 


You can view PDC website here: ACDCS-Australian College of Disability & Community Studies 


Upon successful completion of your training, the Professional Development Centre will issue a statement of attainment or qualification. Qualified ADC trainers will provide training and assessment of 11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services. The training will be available in all states and territories. 


Qualification Description


Accreditation vs Certification 

Certification represents a written assurance by a third party of the conformity of a product, process or service to specified requirements. Any organisation can offer a certified program or course.  


 An accredited course, on the other hand, is a course that has been independently assessed by a regulatory body and meets national quality assurance requirements, In this case that’s ASQA – The Australian Skills Quality Authority.  It is a nationally recognised qualification and must only be issued by a Registered Training Organisation registered under the Standard’s for RTO’s 2015. For more information head to  


 We believe that Doulas should be receiving the highest level of accredited training available to them, delivered by trainers and assessors who are also required to undergo accredited training to remain compliant. We also believe that anyone engaging the services of a doula deserves to know their doula has been trained to the highest standards on offer and that their doula works under a code of conduct. 


Training delivery options


This 18 month course provides vocational education and training in practical and theoretical skills relevant to the provision of Doula support services and the underpinning knowledge required to apply these skills in a variety of workplace situation. 


By the completion of this course, participants will have developed the skills and knowledge to: 


  • offer non-medical, physical and emotional support 

  • provide unbiased information without judgement along with a variety of local resources to prospective parents through conception, pregnancy, childbirth and in the post-natal period 

  • support fathers and partners and ensure inclusion of siblings and how to work best along-side other health professionals 

  • understanding what empowers or disempowers the mother / birthing person and their partner and how to help them to bond deeply with their new-born baby 

  • help clients prepare for an empowering birth 


Participants will also cover topics including: 


  • the mechanics of labour 

  • the needs of mother/ birthing person and baby 

  • possible fears and challenges for parents 

  • homebirth 

  • hospital policies and procedures 

  • post-natal issues and doula work 

  • breastfeeding 


​​Registration options


Students can register to study from the following two options:


11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services â€‹

This qualification consists of 12 units of competency:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • Students receive 1 year of Student Community Membership Free

  • On successful completion students receive (11123NAT) Certificate IV in Doula Support Services


11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services - Enterprise/NAT Units only​

Students can choose to undertake the 4 enterprise/NAT units only:​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​On completion, the PDC [RTO ID 41475] will issue students with a Statement of Attainment for the completed units only

​Training Delivery Options


We know everyone learns differently, so we have a number of training options. It is our intention to make it possible for anyone who wants to study to become a doula, to be able to find a training option that works for them.


11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services Full Qualification

  • Units can be undertaken via multiple training delivery options.

  • Face to Face: 6 in person days 9:30am-4:30pm

  • Virtual: 6 days online over Zoom from 9:30am-2:30pm

  • Correspondence: self paced and online, to be completed within the 18 month course timeframe.


11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services Enterprise/NAT Units

  • Face to Face: 6 in person days 9:30am-4:30pm, as well as online and student experience components to be completed over 12 months.

  • Virtual: 6 days online over Zoom from 9:30am-2:30pm, as well as online and student experience components to be completed over 12 months.

  • Correspondence: The course is self paced and you have up to 18 months to complete the content.


What does Face to Face training look like?


Our face to face training is a small and intimate space, giving students a safe space to share and get the most out of classes. 


Training is held over 6 days, split into two long weekends - Friday Saturday and Sunday and a few weeks later Friday, Saturday and Sunday (some locations differ, please see dates on the website). 


  • If you are completing the 11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services you will then have 18 months to complete the course content and student experiences. 

  • If you are completing the enterprise/NAT units only you will then have 12 months to complete the course content and student experiences. 


What does Virtual training look like?


Our virtual training is available around the world to anyone with access to internet. It is also kept small and intimate to give students a safe space to share and are a wonderful alternative for those students who want some personal contact but cannot make in-person training. 


This training is designed to fit around your life, from the comfort of your home, making it an option around work commitments, school runs, babies and all of the demands there are to juggle, while still having an opportunity to connect with fellow students and be guided by an experienced educator through key aspects of the curriculum. 


Training is held via zoom over 6 days, between 9:30am-2:30pm. 


  • If you are completing the full 11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services you will then have 18 months to complete the course content and student experiences. 

  • If you are completing the enterprise/NAT units only you will then have 12 months to complete the course content and student experiences. 


What does Correspondence training look like?


Doula training is possible throughout Australia and the world with the Australian Doula College. 


Our Birth and Postnatal Doula course is provided though CANVAS - Student Online Learning System, covering the same modules as the blended and virtual training. You will be assigned to a class with dedicated correspondence educators who you are able to liaise with throughout your studies with us, to raise questions and seek support. 


The correspondence course is self-paced, has multiple intakes throughout the year and you have 12 months (enterprise/NAT Units Only) or 18 months (full qualification) from the commencement date to complete all of the requirements of the course, including the 3 birth experiences. 

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Course Outline

This qualification consists of 12 units of competency. 8 Core units and 4 NAT units . 


























Course Content

The program is made up of 17 modules:​


  • Module 1: Welcome. Course expectations. Your core beliefs and attitudes towards birth. Clarifying the Doula role.

  • Module 2: First trimester of pregnancy - mum, partner and baby. Relief of early discomforts. Pre Natal testing. Sexual and reproductive health rights. Journal keeping. Creating your own relaxation space.

  • Module 3: Second trimester – mum, partner and baby. Nutrition and exercise in pregnancy. Natural remedies. Relaxation tools. Homebirth. Consent in pregnancy and labour. Third trimester and complications.

  • Module 4: Positions of the baby, Optimum birthing positions. Birth preparation. Effective communication. The Doula Heart Network charity arm. The Groundwork Program.

  • Module 5:  Pre-labour. Medical inductions. Fear in birth. Fears of the Doula. Childbirth complications.

  • Module 6: Early vs Established labour. Endorphins. Dads/partners. Doulas and support people.

  • Module 7: Transitions in life. Transitions in birth. 2nd stage of labour. Indigenous birthing culture. Understanding the LGBTQI+ community.

  • Module 8: Reassessment of the Doula role. Doula research and statistics. Your doula bag. Birth plans and preferences. Positive affirmations. Maternal decision making.

  • Module 9: Pain and its contributors. Methods of pain relief, natural and medical.

  • Module 10: Caesareans. VBAC. Understanding the microbiome and vaginal seeding.

  • Module 11: Unexpected outcomes. Grieving and healing. Miscarriage, termination and stillbirth laws. End of Life Doulas.

  • Module 12: Self-awareness. Self-care. Personal supervision – why and who? De-briefing.

  • Module 13: Siblings at birth. Introducing older children. 3rd Stage. Placenta encapsulation. Lotus birth.

  • Student Experience Readiness: What you need for your Student Birth Experiences

  • Module 14: Breastfeeding. Bottle-feeding. Working with mums for the best outcome. Resources.

  • Module 15: Baby growth and development. Vitamin K and Hep B. Routine newborn checks. Procedures and screening.

  • Module 16: Understanding sleep and settling for babies. New parents support. 24 hr clock. Baby massage and bathing.

  • Module 17:  The role of the postnatal doula. 4th trimester. Working with complex needs clients. Professional boundaries

  • Getting Started: Starting your Doula business. Working under agreements. ADC Community and ongoing support. Welcome to your Doula-hood!


Students have the support of their trainer as well as the wider ADC training team and members of the Professional Development Centre. Our on call phone is available to students 24/7. Students can sign up for an ADC Community student membership for $50 (12 month membership) which will provide access to the masterclasses and resource centre to assist with your studies and closed Community Facebook group among other benefits. 


Student Experiences 

All student Doulas will need to meet the following requirements: 


  • Complete pre-course information sheet and made payment in full 

  • Have a current First Aid, CPR and WWCC before taking on your 3 birth experiences 

  • Support 3 births experiences as a Student Doula (a small fee is charged to the client) 

  • Develop a resources list for pregnant women and new parents 

  • Demonstrate openness and an ability to integrate knowledge and feelings 



PDC accepts applications from all students who meet the entry requirements published in the course information.  Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis but if a course is full, you will be offered a place in a course starting at a later date.   


To apply to enrol in a course, you must complete an Enrolment Form/Application Form.  If you are applying for a course that has entry requirements you will also need to provide the necessary evidence (as indicated on the Course Outline) such as verified copies of qualifications, CV or other evidence.  


If you are applying for Credit you should indicate this on your enrolment and supply certified copies of your transcripts so we can assess your application for Credit. See the section on Credits in this Handbook below.  


Upon approval of your application/enrolment, you will be sent further information about the next steps, payment arrangements and how you can get started in your course. 


Approved Course and Education Provider

11123NAT Certificate IV in Doula Support Services now meets the requirements of an approved course of education and study for the purpose of qualifying for a student payment via Services Australia (Centrelink). You can get more information directly from Services Australia.


Unique Student Identifier (USI)


A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that creates a lifetime record for an individual of all the nationally recognized training that has been completed.  Under the Unique Student Identifiers Act 2014, all RTOs must ensure they have a valid USI for any student that enrols in nationally recognised training from 2015.  This means (unless you have an exemption issued by the USI registrar) that as a student you must either: 

  • Provide us with your USI, or  

  • Provide us with permission to access or create your USI on your behalf. 

For information about exemptions for individuals please review this webpage: 


If you are providing us with permission to access or create your USI we will need a valid form of identification. The ID that you provide for this purpose will be destroyed once we have used it for this purpose. 


If you would like to create your own USI, please visit:  

We are unable to issue a qualification or a statement of attainment unless we have a valid USI or a notice of exemption from the registrar. 



A credit is formal recognition of the previous studies you have completed for the purpose of reducing the units or modules that you are required to complete in the course you are enrolled in with us. 


PDC can grant you credit towards your course for units of competency or modules that you have already completed with another RTO or authorised issuing organisation. We can also grant you Credit for subjects or units you have completed where equivalence can be established between the unit/ module in your course, and the subject or unit you have completed. 


There is no charge to apply for Credit.  


To apply, fill in the Credit Application Form and submit it as part of your enrolment/application. You can apply for Credit at any time however it is best you do this as part of your enrolment so that Credits are known upfront and you are not required to do any work that you otherwise may not have needed to do. 


Make sure you attach certified copies of transcripts from your previous study. In some cases we may ask for additional information about the subject or unit you previously studied so we can determine equivalence. Your Credit Application may be returned to you if you don’t provide the required information.  


In some cases, Credits may lead to a reduction in the course fees as there is less work involved in offering your course. This will be advised to you in writing. 


You will be advised in writing of the outcome of your Credit Application.  


Recognition of Prior Learning  

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process where skills and knowledge that you have gained through work and life experience and other unrecognised training can be formally recognised. 


PDC has a process that has been structured to minimise the time and cost to applicants and provides a supportive approach to students wishing to take up this option.  You should ideally apply for RPL at the time of enrolment but you may also apply up to 2 weeks into your course.  

If you think RPL is a suitable option for you, the first step is to contact your trainer/assessor or our office and have a conversation about whether or not RPL might be suitable for you. Suitability is often determined on how much experience you have in a certain area, your work history and previous training. If RPL is determined as a possibility for you, you will be provided with a kit that will guide you in working through each unit to determine relevant skills and experience and identify whether you would be able to provide the required evidence. 

A trainer/assessor will be available to assist you throughout this process.  


To apply for RPL, you will need to fill in a part of the kit and return it with an RPL Application Form. Your application will then be assessed for suitability and you will then be contacted by an assessor to progress the RPL process.  


From here, usually the RPL process involves gathering evidence to demonstrate skills, knowledge and experience, responding to questions, completing tasks and depending on the area, observation of your work skills in your workplace. 


Fees are applicable for Recognition of Prior Learning and you will be advised of these fees upon contacting us. Alternatively  - you may wish to insert details here regarding the application fee and any other fees and charges involved in RPL (or not if these vary from course to course). 


For more information about submitting an application for RPL, contact the head office. 


Assessment arrangements 

Submitting your assessments 

You must submit written assessment tasks via the Australian Doula College CANVAS site. 

You must keep a copy of all tasks that you submit as we are not able to return copies because we must keep them as evidence in your file.  Additionally, we will not be held responsible for any items that go missing in the post. If this occurs, you will be asked to re-submit the work.  

Written work will be marked within 30 days of receipt. Your assessor will provide you with written feedback. 


Reasonable adjustment in assessment 

Some students may need modifications to assessments due to disability, illness or special considerations – this is called reasonable adjustment.  

Reasonable adjustment can involve: 

  • Making training and assessment resources and methods more accessible e.g. providing learner workbooks in an audio format or on different coloured paper. 

  • Adapting physical facilities, environment and/or equipment e.g. setting up hearing loops. 

  • Making changes to the assessment arrangements e.g. more time allowed for assessments. 

  • Making changes to the way evidence for assessment is gathered e.g. written questions asked orally 

Please speak to your assessor if you think that you may need an adjustment made. Note these adjustments are made at the discretion of your assessor based on your identified needs. 


Appealing assessment decisions 

If you do not agree with any assessment decision, you can lodge an assessment appeal.  Please refer to the Complaints and Appeals section in this handbook for information about how to lodge an appeal. 


Support services 

We are committed to ensuring that you get all the support you need to be successful in your studies.  You may not have studied for a while and or you might need help with study skills.  You may also need assistance with skills such as reading, writing and maths. 


The enrolment form you complete will help us to identify any support you need and depending on the course you are enrolling in, you may also be required to complete a test that assesses your language, literacy and numeracy skills.  Based on the information you provide in your enrolment and/or the results of your language, literacy and numeracy test, we will contact you to discuss your support needs.  


Your support needs can also be discussed during the induction to your course.  


Services that we can offer to you include: 

  • One to one support from our trainers/assessors including providing you with their phone and email contact details 

  • Classes to assist with study skills.  

  • Study groups where you can work with your fellow students.  

  • Referral to relevant external services.  

  • Specialist support services for students with a disability. 

Contact us to discuss your support needs. 


Fees, Charges and Refunds  

For our fees, charges and refunds policy please head to 


Complaints and Appeals 

For information on complaints and appeals please head to 

Identify and report children and young people at risk
Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Participate in workplace health and safety
Provide First Aid
Confirm physical health status
Communicate and work in health or community services
Implement records systems for small business
Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
Provide post-natal doula support service
Provide doula support services during labour and birth
Promote an empowering birth experience
Prepare for work as a birth doula

Australian Doula College Student Support


Students have the support of their trainer as well as the wider ADC training team. Our on call phone is available to students 24/7.

Students may choose to join the ADC Community student membership  which will provide access to the masterclasses and resource centre to assist with your studies and closed Community Facebook group among other benefits. The ADC Community student membership can be purchased for $50, which is more than 50% off the annual membership fee for ongoing community membership.


Contact Classes

Correspondence students are required to attend one contact class via zoom. The dates for 2024 are:

  • Mar 20th 2024

  • Jun 26th 2024

  • Aug 28th 2024

  • Nov 20th 2024


♡  College Love ♡  

"I feel very proud to be a part of the college & to have undertaken my training with these amazing women. The course was empowering & transformative. A wonderful 20 week course that I would recommend to any woman. I feel calm, confident & prepared to support women throughout their pregnancy and birth as their doula." - Sarah Coulter

"Jacki you are a phenomenal woman and my god your teaching skills are beyond INCREDIBLE.  Being in your energy the days that we had the face to face sessions was something very very special, I loved every second of the time that I shared with you and the group. Thank you so much again for the level of very genuine care that you have shown me and that you show every single one of your students."  - Nellie, Birth and Postpartum Doula Student

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